mana -help <- overview commands mana get-skills-list ------------------- neon-cli <- to see and type commands :skills <- to see in neon-cli what skills are installed. RED are disabled --------------- there is a user config file starts off mostly empty. It overrides anything in the other configs. add skills to be blacklisted add to config file at ~neon/.config/neon/neon.yaml If you’re curious what those defaults are cat /etc/neon/neon.yam I don’t recommend editing that file because updates will override it. Copy relevant sections to your user config then make changes there [mike] ------------------ #to restart neon service: sudo systemctl restart neon #get status update: sudo systemctl status neon-\* #latest version available: #check current version: cat /opt/neon/build_info.json --------------------- #update #*************UPDATE*************** sudo systemctl start neon-updater **UPDATE** This will start an update, but maybe not to the version you'd expect. sudo /opt/neon/update master will update to the latest stable version and sudo /opt/neon/update dev will update to the latest alpha version. Daniel McKnight ------------------------- #to look what happened with update: sudo journalctl -fu neon-updater #dns problems: #add this block to ~/.config/neon/neon.yaml network_tests: dns_primary: dns_secondary: #log_level: DEBUG look for errors in skills: grep -i error ~/logs/skills.log sudo journalctl -fu neon-skills #Debug #to add debugging info in log files: #add Debug: True #to ~/.config/neon/neon.yaml hardware: ------------------ build debian image ------------- pandora: ------- plex ============== repositories Can I install neon on an existing debian/armbian platform ? Untested, but if you clone that to a running debian and run automation/ you can interactively run some of the installer scripts I use to build RPi images ---------------- How do I change the voice and wake up word? mikejgray pip install ovos-tts-plugin-mimic3-server pip install ovos-ww-plugin-openWakeWord ~/.config/neon/neon.yaml hotwords: hey_jarvis: module: ovos-ww-plugin-openwakeword active: true listen: true hey_neon: active: false hey_mycroft: active: false tts: module: ovos-tts-plugin-mimic3-server ovos-tts-plugin-mimic3-server: voice: en_UK/apope_low ~/.config/neon/ngi_user_info.yml speech: tts_language: en-uk tts_gender: male secondary_tts_gender: male ------------------------------- Mycroft Mark II Developer Kit Assembly --------------- switch to beta software VC: "enable beta updates" in neon-cli: enable beta updates >> Are you sure you want to switch to the beta update track? yes >> Okay, switching to the beta update track. =================== PERSONAL REMINDER ONLY things to do after fresh install #as user neon: # set auto login ssh public key mkdir ~/.ssh echo "ssh-rsa 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 dth@imac27" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys #rest as root sudo -s #change /etc/motd to remove extra message after ssh login. echo "" > /etc/motd -add debian security & backports repository #as root cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list deb bookworm main contrib non-free non-free-firmware deb bookworm-updates main contrib non-free non-free-firmware deb bookworm-security main contrib non-free non-free-firmware EOF #as root cat << EOF > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mycroft-desktop.list #deb bionic main EOF #configure apt-cacher-ng for local caching cat << EOF > /etc/apt/apt.conf Acquire::http::Proxy "http://cache:3142/"; Acquire::https::Proxy "DIRECT"; EOF #as root echo "ResolveUnicastSingleLabel=true" >> /etc/systemd/resolved.conf systemctl restart systemd-resolved Dim display: use touch screen -> settings -> display #switch to alpha software: use mana or neon-cli or VC enable beta updates >> Are you sure you want to switch to the beta update track? yes >> Okay, switching to the beta update track. --------- sudo apt install mosh tmux lftp procinfo btop netcat-traditional psmisc vnstat #disable HA # in ~neon/.config/neon/neon.yaml skills: blacklisted_skills: - skill-ovos-setup.openvoiceos - skill-messaging.neongeckocom - skill-custom_conversation.neongeckocom - skill-instructions.neongeckocom - skill-audio_record.neongeckocom - mycroft-wiki.mycroftai - mycroft-joke.mycroftai - neon_homeassistant_skill.mikejgray default_skills: - git+ hotwords: hey_mycroft: active: true hey_neon: active: false network_tests: dns_primary: dns_secondary: MQ: host: port: 35672 ==================== reference library ovos-raspbian has no GUI either, would be a better comparison with classic picroft - jarbas -- #RPI4 images #squashfs images #squashfs images development branch;O=D ----- multiple usb boot devices: If you have 2 plugged in, the one in "port 0" (noted in the docs, it's the top port towards the center of the Mark 2) will be booted